Friday, May 23, 2008

The Soap Dilemmas

Since I am staying at my parent's place for a few days, away from my stash of bathroom goodies, today morning I ran into the problem of finding a decent bathing soap. Now soap is something that I am seriously compulsive about - after all, thats the one thing that you use every single day and it lays the foundation for everything. And I mean everything - if I have a bath with a good, smooth, fab-smelling soap, I start the day with a spring in my step...and since my morning routine leaves little time for any other indulgences, this is about the only bit of pampering that I can afford!!

However, back to the present, today morning left no options except mom's cupboard. And since she has a mini-coronary when forced to buy any cosmetic thats not purely functional, I approached the task with severe pessimism ...till I chanced upon the Pears Oil Control Soap with Lemon Flower Extracts.

Now this may be an absolute department store soap, but its simply fabulous!! Not only does it smell and feel good on the skin, it also literally cuts through the grease and grime to leave skin seeming fresh and really, really clean. And all for under 20-bucks!!

Btw, did you know that Pears is the world's oldest registered brand? The transparent version was first produced commercially in 1789 by Andrew Pears at a factory in London. The concave shape of the soap is formed by natural shrinkage while the soap is drying, and not due to moulding. In 1851 the company was awarded the prize medal for soap at The Great Exhibition. Today the brand is owned by Levers and the soaps are produced in India. Enjoy!

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