Friday, May 23, 2008

My favourite beauty quotes....

Zest is the secret of all beauty. There is no beauty that is attractive without zest. Christian Dior

Even I dont wake up looking like Cindy Crawford! Cindy Crawford

Pretty is something you are born with. But beautiful? That's an equal opportunity adjective. Anonymous

I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin deep. That's deep enough! What do you want, an adorable pancreas? Jean Kerr

The most common error made in matters of appearance is the belief that one should disdain the superficial and let the true beauty of one's soul shine through. If there are places on your body where this is a possibility, you are not are leaking! Fran Lebowitz

Nature gives you the face you have at twenty; it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty. Coco Chanel

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